Community Counselling Resources

Community Connections


211 Saskatchewan is a free, confidential, and searchable website of human services in Saskatchewan, with over 5,000 listings of social, community, non-clinical health, and government services across the province. The categories of listings include, but are not limited to, mental health and addictions, homelessness, income support, health care, food security and community programs.


Regina Counselling and Post-Secondary Agencies listed by interest/issues


University of Regina Survival Guide is published with the City of Regina; a Guide to Regina resources and counselling Agencies


Rainbow Youth Centre is a community support centre with many resources and programs. 


If you lost a loved one or are grieving, there are programs available at Caring Hearts or call 306 766-6946.


The Kids Help Phone (free/24 hrs) for mental health & counselling information, or call 1-800-668-6868.


LGBTQ: Respect and support people of all sexualities


Mobile Crisis (free/24 hrs) for information and counselling 306-757-0127


Planned Parenthood (free) for young persons who have questions about sexual health 306-522-0902 


Regina Crisis & Suicide Line (free/24 hrs) 306 525-5333


Mental Health, Family Support, and Suicide Risk Assessment Child and Youth Services Click Here or call 306-766-6700 


Child Abuse Line:  306-569-2724


STI Clinic: 306-766-7788


Four Directions Health Centre or call 306-766-7540


No place to go/homeless: Street Culture Youth Shelter 306-545-3445


Regina Sexual Assault Centre (free/24 hours) 306-352-0434 


Anxiety Canada: general resources related to anxiety, depression, and includes a self-help section


MoodGym an interactive self-help to help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety


Cell phone Apps:


Mind Your Mind to help educate, cope, de-stress, and expand your mind